Saturday, June 23, 2012

How I Have Not bought Gas In My Car For The Last Two Months

I have found my own solution to the high price of gas and it has been two months since I have bought gas for my car.

It all started when my car broke down. Actually I kind of drove it into the ground, there were so many things wrong with it that I would have spent many times its value in repair.

So I started to ride my bicycle to work. It was grueling for the first week or two but after that the going started to get easier and now I zip along with a grin on my sweaty face. The cars that pass me I often meet at the red light they were hurrying to get to. It takes me a little longer to get to work and a little longer coming home but the benefits are tremendous.

I have ridden approximately 956 miles in the last two months to and from work. My 1987 Plymouth gas guzzler was getting about 200 miles to a tank and at $50 dollars a tank of gas, (average- granted it has come down) I have saved about $200 dollars. This is only my savings from riding to work; I have not kept track of trips to shopping, church, library, and other errands.

Not only have I saved money but I am healthier, trimmer, more energetic, and very popular among the local kooks.