A little rain is no reason to abandon a bicycle ride to work if you take a few creative measures.
Everybody has a different reaction to the cold and wet; and for me if my feet are wet I just can't stand it.
There are fancy equipment to keep you dry; but I am poor so I go with the low technology- grocery bags.
Before I started out I put plastic bags inside my shoes so my feet would stay dry. I tied them above my ankle and tucked the tops inside my sweat pants. This seemed to work for about five miles which was about twenty minutes for me, but for some reason my feet were getting wet. When I arrived at work water was squishing between my toes and when I took off my shoes I found about a gallon of water was in each shoe. I changed my socks for the dry ones I brought but made the mistake of putting my soaking shoes back on. The socks were immediately saturated and my feet were just a wet as before. They had to be a little dryer but I couldn't say if it was by much.
Work had to be done so I put up with cold wet feet while everybody else was comfortable.
Going home I didn't bother to try the plastic shopping bags, I just suffered with wet feet. The shoes spent about an hour in the laundry dryer that evening.
In the future I will consider shopping bags inside my shoes and on the outside. I will bring not only a change of dry socks but a change of shoes or slippers to wear at work.
Everybody has a different reaction to the cold and wet; and for me if my feet are wet I just can't stand it.
There are fancy equipment to keep you dry; but I am poor so I go with the low technology- grocery bags.
Before I started out I put plastic bags inside my shoes so my feet would stay dry. I tied them above my ankle and tucked the tops inside my sweat pants. This seemed to work for about five miles which was about twenty minutes for me, but for some reason my feet were getting wet. When I arrived at work water was squishing between my toes and when I took off my shoes I found about a gallon of water was in each shoe. I changed my socks for the dry ones I brought but made the mistake of putting my soaking shoes back on. The socks were immediately saturated and my feet were just a wet as before. They had to be a little dryer but I couldn't say if it was by much.
Work had to be done so I put up with cold wet feet while everybody else was comfortable.
Going home I didn't bother to try the plastic shopping bags, I just suffered with wet feet. The shoes spent about an hour in the laundry dryer that evening.
In the future I will consider shopping bags inside my shoes and on the outside. I will bring not only a change of dry socks but a change of shoes or slippers to wear at work.